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TMJ face to face

Temporal Mandibular Joint Therapy

1 h 30 min
120 British pounds
Blackfriars Road

Service Description

TMJ or TMJD is one of the most miss diagnosed condition, with some sufferers debilitated for years. Usually offered expensive treatments and operations that don't guarantee a result. With Blend TMJ therapy developed and masterminded by a qualified dental nurse and massage therapist , who could see first hand how the protocols she introduced brought results to many of her clients. . 20 years later the Therapy has been developed and the Diploma is taught to therapists looking to bring instant and sometimes permanent relief to clients with gentle techniques that are aimed to stop TMJ affecting the whole body and bringing relief from jaw, head neck and shoulder pain and working on descending pain in the rest of the body. Book now for a full consultation and therapy session for 90 min.

Contact Details

  • The Pure Body Company, London, UK

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